keytruss for contractors

KeyTruss makes the job of contractors and installers easier and more efficient in a variety of ways.


Contractors choose whether to have trusses delivered knocked down or fully assembled. Additionally, truss stacks and bundles are dropped off at predefined points, maximizing the efficiency of staging and installation.


The unique KeyTruss design provides excellent overall stability and stiffness, making KeyTruss easy to handle and install, reducing the need for additional installation of external restraints. Plus:

  • Orientation markings are provided on every truss guide and speed truss placement.
  • Truss-to-truss and truss-to-structure connections are enhanced by KeyTruss’s large connection areas.
  • The stoutness of KeyTruss members reduces the need for continuous lateral bracing.


KeyTruss documentation includes detailed engineering drawings, assembly drawings, layouts, and material lists. Connection and temporary and permanent bracing plans provided upon request

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